Posts by Jay Connor

IIS Application Pool 503 errors

I finally got around to installing the ConfigMgr Webservice to test out BIOS updates. Set it all up, however it […]

SecretLab Australian Referral code

Just bought a new chair. If you need a discount in Australia please use my link for $25 off

80244007 wsus sccm client error

If you get the following error in WindowsUpdate.log (after running Get-WindowsUpdateLog):InvalidParametersparameters.OtherCachedUpdateIDs80244007 You probably have too many updates on your update […]

OSD hangs at 'Just a moment' during debugging

There is a KB article on this Computer hangs in an OSD task sequence debug mode - Configuration Manager | […]

Google Chrome tile start menu color SCCM baseline

Windows 20H2 has fixed the start menu tiles so the colors are not all over the place, however apps can […]

Stopping mandatory SCCM Reboot last minute

Open an elevated powershell window and run the commands: To use it in a run script and get feedback we […]

Office 2019 Fails to activate - Windows Virtual Desktop

Office will fail to activate because Microsoft sets the KMS server in the registry which overrides any method of finding […]

Revisiting how SCCM imports and names images

When capturing the image using build and capture, you have the option of setting a description. This description used to […]

Microsoft Orchestrator Error 405: The requested operation requires Publish permissions on the Runbook

If you get this error using MDT to run a book or using the SCOJobRunner.exe tool, grant the network access account  […]