
Orchestrator RunBook Designer Launcher!

Launches Rockets

Unfortunately Orchestrator only remembers the last server you connected to.

I got sick of having to type in different servers for DEV, QAT and PROD so I created a nice GUI with powershell to launch each environment.

Source code and PowerShell Studio file download

It edit's the XML config file then launches the runbook designer. You would need to change the $FilePath if you are running Windows x86.

Microsoft Configuration Manager Support Center

Configuration Manager Support Center

Have you ever needed someone to collect logs off a machine and came to find that the vital log you wanted wasn't collected? Lost in the sea of logs?

Microsoft feels your pain!

Microsoft has released an excellent support tool to assist in troubleshooting ConfigMgr. It can collect logs, policys, wmi, registry etc; from remote or local machines. Also includes a log viewer that groups logs by function. I think it will eventually replace CMTrace.

It's in BETA so read the release notes!  Update: It's released!
