Deploying Creative Cloud Packages 2017

Quick Post on the install order of  - Use your favourite App Packaging Wrapper / PSADT

Update: CloseApp Line for PSADT: 

  1. If package has Exceptions
    Exceptions\ExceptionDeployer.exe --workflow=install --mode=pre --installLanguage=en_US
    Don't do en_GB - seems to break acrobat
  2. If package has Acrobat
    Build\Setup\APRO15.0\Adobe Acrobat\setup.exe
    Always do this where applicable or acrobat may break
    If you want to customize Acrobat customize the msi in here using the Acrobat DC Customization Wizard
  3. Run main setup
    Build\setup.exe --silent
    If you don't use silent, it never exits
  4. If package has exceptions
    Exceptions\ExceptionDeployer.exe --workflow=install --mode=post --installLanguage=en_US
  5. Firewall Exceptions
    Node.exe: netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Adobe Node"  dir=in action=allow program="%Programfiles%\adobe\adobe dreamweaver cc 2017\node\node.exe" enable=yes
    Scout.exe: netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Adobe Scout"  dir=in action=allow program="%Programfiles%\adobe scout cc\scout.exe" enable=yes
  6. Disable CC startup and set all office addins to only load if user chooses to
    regedit.exe /s AcrobatAddinReg.reg!Apq2Xflj18I1wGkFeyX_T3lbtM5G
  7. Remove shortcuts bat
    REM Delete Shortcuts
    del "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Adobe Creative Cloud.lnk" /F /Q
    del "%PUBLIC%\Desktop\Adobe Creative Cloud.lnk" /F /Q


If you are putting the apps in a base image you may need to run the main setup.exe if you want to avoid Acrobat crashing on first use.

Adobe CC Design 2017:
- No exceptions
- Has Acrobat DC

Adobe CC Enterprise 2017:
- Has exceptions
- Has Acrobat DC
- FW exclusion for Scout.exe
- FW exclusion for Node.exe

Adobe CC Exclusives 2017:
- Has exceptions
- FW exclusion for Scout.exe

Adobe CC Web 2017:
- Has exceptions
- FW exclusion for Node.exe

Acrobat Single Package
- No exceptions
- Has Acrobat DC


  1. Hi! thanks for sharing those info.
    how do you manage licensing for CC when installing in your base image?

    • Author

      We only have Acrobat in the base, I guess it's fine because it doesn't require exceptions. I would probably try run the post exception during OSD. Is that what you mean?

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