Stopping the 'Download language typing features' Action Centre Alert
We have deployed quite a few keyboards / Language Features however if you are missing any related features for a language this action centre prompt will keep coming up until they are installed, what's worse is that they require admin rights to install. To deploy a fix you need to work out what's missing.
The simplest way is to click the notice and let it download the features. Then monitor the log file C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.log
and filter the entry text:
DWLD: Windows update server URL:
This will filter all the download links for the missing features.
Once you have this list, download each one and create an MissingLanguageFeatures.bat
Follow this pattern and create a package in SCCM -
Dism /online /LogPath:C:\Windows\temp\MissingLangFeaturesFix.log /Add-Package / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
Command Line: c:\windows\sysnative\cmd.exe /c MissingLanguageFeatures.bat
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